Introducing our Be Well Helpline for our Group Income Protection customers. The helpline is here to assist HR and Line Managers with managing employees and providing support to prevent absence.

Many companies don’t know where to turn for advice when an employee is struggling. Our helpline will provide early intervention advice and support to assist in proactively managing the condition.

Be Well

Helping to keep employees healthy and happy in work


As well as helping HR and Line Managers feel supported, early access to appropriate advice can help to keep a valued employee in work, continuing to contribute to the success of the organisation. Help to reduce or prevent short term absences can support the overall wellbeing of the employee and organisation.

Supporting to reduce absences and ultimately claims, could help minimise the amount the premium increases by.

The Be Well hub and helpline are core elements of our Be Well, Get Better, Be Supported framework for personalised care pathway support. Our group income protection products provide a range of wellbeing services that don’t just help manage absence and return to work, but also help employees thrive in the workplace. In turn, this helps support the overall wellbeing of employees and the business.
Vanessa Sallows, Claims and Governance Director, Group Protection

When can the helpline be used?

The helpline can be called to explore how to support employees, so they can remain in work and for any guidance where an employee is:

  • showing signs of stress
  • struggling to carry out their full range of duties

The key areas we can assist with are recommendations or suggestions for workplace adjustments, mental health and wellbeing support, cancer support and advice on Covid 19.

We're here to help when needed

The helpline can be accessed either by phone or email. The service is available 9am-5pm Monday to Friday with an option to leave a voicemail when not accessible.

Phone 0370 333 0011

We may record and monitor calls for training purposes.

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