Group income protection

Designed to provide employees with a regular income if they cannot work because of long-term sickness or injury. Includes rehabilitation support to help employees back to work where appropriate, at no extra cost.

Group income protection explained

Group income protection explained video

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Suitable for Group Life Assurance and Group Income Protection schemes insuring from three employees upwards.

Wellbeing support

Keep employees well with active wellbeing management through our comprehensive Employee Assistance Programme. And should they become unwell, we provide mental health therapy, 24/7 access to a virtual GP and back to work support with our rehabilitation services at no extra cost to employer or employee.

Man drinking coffee

Product details

Minimum policy size

From 3 employees for standard Group income protection policies using ONIX.

Maximum policy size

No maximum.

Types of benefit and limits

The benefit the employee is covered for must not exceed £350,000 a year.

Employer and employee pension contributions can also be covered, up to a total of £75,000 a year.

The total of an employee’s benefit plus their pension contributions, cannot be more than 80% of their scheme earnings.

Employer NI contributions can also be covered.

Plus, we offer an integrated option where the amount we pay is offset against state benefits.

Benefit levels and payment terms

Choose different benefit levels for defined groups of employees.

Benefits can be paid up until the benefit termination age or of a maximum of 2, 3 or 5 years.

Free limit

Typically, up to £120,000 benefit per annum can be covered without the need for medical underwriting. The limit depends on the size of the policy and the benefit choices.

Employees will be medically underwritten if their cover is above the free limit. Temporary cover of up to 90 days is available during medical underwriting, subject to conditions.

Benefit escalation options

No escalation

A fixed rate of up to 5% per year

RPI subject to a maximum of 2.5% or 5%

CPI subject to a maximum of 2.5% or 5%

Definitions of incapacity

Own occupation – an illness or injury prevents the employee performing duties essential to their role.

Suited occupation – an illness or injury prevents the employee doing all jobs that are suitable to their experience, training or education.

We also offer own occupation switching to suited occupation. Bespoke requirements can also be considered.

Employee eligibility

All employees, or those that fit the employer’s predefined eligibility definitions.

Age range

Employees between 16 and 70 can be covered.

Deferred periods

Benefit payments can begin after 13, 26, 28, 39, 52 or 104 weeks of incapacity.

Premium payments

Can be made monthly or annually.

Make a claim

Get in touch about a claim as soon as possible, so we can offer support to employees from day one of their long-term illness or injury. The sooner we’re involved and where appropriate, arrange suitable support for them, the more likely they could be able to return to work.

Our products

Group Life, Group Critical Illness and Group Income Protection.

Contact us

Adviser queries

0345 026 0094

Lines are open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

We may record and monitor calls.