Support and guidance for employers and employees
Navigating the cost-of-living crisis
Financial Wellbeing is feeling secure and in control of your finances, both now and in the future. It’s knowing that you can pay the bills today, can deal with the unexpected, and are on track for a healthy financial future.
The cost-of-living crisis isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. And with 11.1 million working age people in the ‘financially struggling’ and ‘financially squeezed’ target groups, now more than ever, every employer needs strategies and policies in place to help employees manage their financial wellbeing as well as they can through these challenging times.
We’ve provided support and guidance around the topic of financial wellbeing. Making sure you have access to our well-considered information.

Guidance for employees

Cost of living guide
The cost-of-living crisis is having a huge impact upon the lives of many people in the UK. When things feel hopeless or out of your control, it can have an impact on our mental health, our relationships, working life and general health.
But, if you are struggling to cope, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to face it alone. Here we’ve put together some tips to help you or share with a friend or family member who may be finding things difficult.
Webinar: Financial wellbeing - what can employers do to help?
Every employer needs strategies and policies in place to help employees manage their wellbeing as well as they can through these challenging times. This webinar unpicks the various elements of financial wellbeing; and also looks at how this impacts individuals across all aspects of their life – both work and home life; and how employers can help.

Webinar top take-aways